I'm New
What to Expect...

Visiting a church service for the first time is not an easy thing to do. It takes determination to come in spite of any nervous apprehension. That’s why we desire to make you feel as comfortable as possible when sharing a worship service with us. When you step through the doors, our goal is for you to discover a relaxed atmosphere, enjoy contemporary music, meet new friends, be challenged with relevant, biblical messages, and experience God’s life-changing presence.

In the Bible, the Gospel of John states that “those who worship God must worship in spirit and in truth” (4:24). This means that we must worship God from the heart, without any false pretenses or hidden motives. There are however, many different methods listed in the Bible regarding how people can worship. Since we at Greater Valley Assembly believe in Biblical worship, following is a guideline to help you understand what takes place in our church services.

Music & Singing

From the earliest of times, music and singing have been a natural expression of human emotions. The Bible contains many references which encourage people to worship God with music and singing. (See Psalm 47:6; Psalm 150:3-5; Ephesians 5:18 & 19)

Raising & Clapping Hands

In nearly every country and culture of the world, people express their emotions through physical means. Joy and adoration for the Lord are normal emotions for the Christian and therefore are expressed through ways such as clapping hands and the raising of hands (a sign of submission and gratitude) (see Psalm 134:2; 1 Timothy 2:8). The Bible says that such displays of worship are not only normal but they are to be expected from the Christian. (See Psalm 47:1; Psalm 149:3; Psalm 63:3 & 4; Psalm 134:2; 1 Timothy 2:8)

Praying for People in Need

Christians believe in a God who answers prayer. In response to the Bible, we often will pray for those who are sick or have other needs by laying hands on them as a symbol that we are agreeing with them in prayer. (See James 15:14 & 15; Mark 16:18)

The Receiving of an Offering

The receiving of an offering during a church service is so that God’s people can perform God’s purpose on earth. Money is a tool which Christians can use to spread the Gospel. God promises that when you put Him first with your finances He will bless you. (See Proverbs 3:9; Malachi 3:10; 1 Corinthians 16:2; 2 Corinthians 9:7)

The Displaying of Spiritual Gifts

According to the Bible, the Christians of the early church were individually used by the Holy Spirit to manifest God’s power and His will. Since the Bible gives no “expiration date” for these Spiritual gifts, we believe that the Christian can be and should be used by the Holy Spirit in the same way as the Christians of the early church. (See 1 Corinthians 12:1- 31 & 14:1; Mark 16:17; Acts 2:;4 Acts 2:39)

The Bible & Preaching

At Greater Valley Assembly we believe that the Bible is the inspired and authoritative Word of God. Therefore, we use the Bible to encourage and inspire people to think rightly of God and to live accordingly. The Word of God is our standard upon which we place our faith and doctrine. (See 2 Timothy 3:16; 2 Timothy 2:15; Hebrews 4:12)



As Jesus would likely say, “Come as you are!”  We’re more concerned with meeting your real life needs than with what you wear. So, dress casually and modestly and you’ll fit right in.



At Greater Valley Assembly we not only believe that children are the church of tomorrow, we believe they are part of the church today. Regardless of your child’s age, we will have a ministry to serve him or her. We have carefully selected and screened our children’s workers for your child’s safety and spiritual development.

Sunday School

  • Ages 0-4 Pre-school (Classroom 1)
  • Ages 5-6 Kindergarten (Classroom 2)
  • Ages 7-9 Middlers (Classroom 3)
  • Ages 10-12 Pre-Teen (Classroom 4)
  • Ages 13-18 Teen (River Building)
  • Young Adult (Multi-Purpose Room)
  • Adult (Multi-Purpose Room)


Following the song service, please feel free to bring your child (under 3) to classroom 1, where a team of well-screened, loving caregivers are ready to serve our youngest children.

Children’s Church

Sunday mornings are anything but dull for children. Our Children’s Pastor, Luisa Baldwin, has a passion to see children not only come to know Jesus but to experience Him too. Following the song service, we have our children’s church. Children ages 3 – 6 are invited to the Classroom 5 and children ages 7 – 12 are can head to the Multi-Purpose Room. From there, our Children's Church teachers will lead the children over to our "River" building. If you are visiting with us for the first time, please feel free to stop in and become acquainted with our teachers.